Thursday, 26 December 2013
Merry Christmas
Happy Holydays to everyone.. stay tuned for the next class in 2014.. a lot of fun in coming up.. scheduled january 9 at 7 pm..
Thursday, 19 December 2013
Christmas = Panettone & Torrone
The origins of this cake appear to be ancient, dating back to the Roman Empire, when ancient Romans sweetened a type ofleavened cake with honey. Throughout the ages this "tall, leavened fruitcake" makes cameo appearances in the arts: It is shown in a sixteenth-century painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder and is possibly mentioned in a contemporary recipe book written byBartolomeo Scappi, personal chef to popes and emperors during the time of Charles V. The first recorded association of Panettone with Christmas can be found in the writings of 18th century illuminist Pietro Verri. He refers to it as "Pane di Tono" (luxury cake).
However, all of the above "legends" that involve the concept of a person named "Toni" are specious and not credible, and are clearly the work of English-speaking sources and not Italians. Tony or Toni are not Italian nicknames, but English nicknames for "Anthony" (also an English name), and the etymology of the word "panettone" does not contain a person's name. It is "panetto," meaning "loaf," with the augmentative Italian suffix "-one" that lends the connotation of something "large."
Torrone is a traditional winter and Christmas confection in Italy and many varieties exist. Traditional versions from Cremona, Lombardy, range widely in texture (morbido, soft and chewy, to duro, hard and brittle) and in flavor (with various citrus flavorings, vanilla, etc., added to the nougat) and may contain whole hazelnuts, almonds and pistachios or only have nut meal added to the nougat. Some commercial versions are dipped in chocolate. The popular recipes have varied with time and differ from one region to the next. Torrone di Benevento from Benevento, Campania, sometimes goes by the historic name Cupedia, which signifies the crumbly version made with hazelnuts. The softer version is made with almonds. Although originally resembling sticky paste, it now differs only marginally from the varieties of Torrone di Cremona.[6][7] Abruzzo, Sicily and Sardinia also have local versions that may be slightly distinct from the two main denominations from Lombardy and Campania.[8] The following information is printed on boxes of torrone distributed by Ferrara Foods, West Deptford, NJ 08086.
- In Cremona, Italy in the wedding celebration of Francesco Sforza to Bianca Maria Visconti, the buffet featured a delicious sweet made of nutmeats, honey and egg whites. It was fashioned in the shape of the famous tower of Cremona known as "Torrazzo", hence the name Torrone.
Monday, 9 December 2013
Our Mission
Our mission is to involve all community members to understand how important is to
choose the right food, to eat well and for who wants even to learn how to cook
or learn new methods or recipes.
We want our children to know better about food, and we would like to inspire
families to cook again and empower people everywhere to fight obesity.
start in January, every Thursday and Friday in the hall from 7 pm to 9.30 pm. You can book or buy a gift
certificate from today, and just i want to tell you that we will send $5 each
attendant to the Philippines to help the typhoon victims.
can stay together 2 hours and half, having fun and build a stronger and healthier
community, because we are what we eat.
Monday, 2 December 2013
Each recipe has the right rice
Risotto aficionados know that northern Italians make some of the best of it, largely due to the variety of specialty grains grown and harvested there. More than 20 varieties of white rice are grown in Italy, with a large majority flourishing in Veneto, Piedmont and the fertile Po Valley.
The rice varieties listed below may all look the same, but they command distinctly different uses since they possess varied flavors and textures. Some are ideal for producing toothsome, creamy risottos, while others are delicate enough to work deftly into desserts. Here are some of our most readily available styles and some brands to look for:
Originario: Marked by its small, pearl-like appearance, this was the go-to for risotto until Carnaroli was created in 1945 and took its place. Though still a fine risotto rice, its softer texture also works for soups and desserts; this variety comes from the Novara province of Piedmont. Look for Il Covone, $8,
Carnaroli With large oval grains that have especially high starch, it makes a velvety risotto with strong texture. For this reason, it¹s the most popular risotto rice. This lauded producer has been in Piedmont's Vercelli province since 1935. Acquerello, $6-$20,
Arborio One of the most well-known Italian rices, its burnished kernels and high starch content create a creamy coating when cooked. Ideal for risotto, soups and pilaf, this brand comes from the Po Valley. Tenuta Castello, $9,
Vialone Nano: Common in the Veneto region, Vialone Nano is shorter and rounder than other varietals, and also absorbs more liquid, which gives it a creamier base in cooking. Delicate and moist, it¹s a no-brainer for matching with seafood and vegetables. Principato di Lucedio, $7-$10,
- See more at:
Thursday, 28 November 2013
di castagna
di castagne fresche
6 cucchiai di latte
50g di burro
50g di cioccolato fondente
50g di zucchero a velo
1 bustina di vanillina
40ml di Strega o Maraschino
3 cucchiai di cacao amaro
Mettiamo le castagne in acqua fredda e portiamo a bollore. Lessiamole per circa un'ora quindi le scoliamo, le priviamo della buccia e della pellicina interna e le passiamo allo schiacciapatate. In un pentolino, fondiamo a bagnomaria il burro con il cioccolato ed il latte mescolando di tanto in tanto. In una terrina mescoliamo la purea di castagne con lo zucchero, la vanillina e il liquore, uniamo il composto di cioccolato, mescoliamo bene fincheè il composto non risulta omogeneo e lo poniamo in frigorifero per 30'.
Prendiamo un po' d'impasto e formiamo delle palline usando i palmi delle mani, le passiamo nel cacao e le poniamo nei pirottini di carta. Teniamoli in frigorifero fino al momento di servire questi deliziosi dolci.
6 cucchiai di latte
50g di burro
50g di cioccolato fondente
50g di zucchero a velo
1 bustina di vanillina
40ml di Strega o Maraschino
3 cucchiai di cacao amaro
Mettiamo le castagne in acqua fredda e portiamo a bollore. Lessiamole per circa un'ora quindi le scoliamo, le priviamo della buccia e della pellicina interna e le passiamo allo schiacciapatate. In un pentolino, fondiamo a bagnomaria il burro con il cioccolato ed il latte mescolando di tanto in tanto. In una terrina mescoliamo la purea di castagne con lo zucchero, la vanillina e il liquore, uniamo il composto di cioccolato, mescoliamo bene fincheè il composto non risulta omogeneo e lo poniamo in frigorifero per 30'.
Prendiamo un po' d'impasto e formiamo delle palline usando i palmi delle mani, le passiamo nel cacao e le poniamo nei pirottini di carta. Teniamoli in frigorifero fino al momento di servire questi deliziosi dolci.
By Fernanda G.
Friday, 22 November 2013
Why to attend a Cooking Class?
1. Not cooking. Or rather, you can give a hand to the chef, but in reality you look, you smell and you take notes.
2. You eat. All dishes made in the course of the evening will be divided among the participants in order to study the taste of what has been prepared.
3. Making friends.
4. Males? Few. did not go with the intention of towing a passion for cooking because it is there usually has just got married. And if you find there with his wife, instead of being home to "do nothing" is not a good sign. The only positive sign is that one so no longer part of the men on the loose.
5. Ask questions. Do not be afraid of sounding ignorant: the chef is there for you, paid by you, and it will always know more than you.
6. Choose well. When you decide to participate in a course aimed at those that focus on a few recipes at a time. If in few hours you can prepare an entire dinner at your home, it is equally possible to do so during the course, whereas you are twenty, and each plate is attached to the technical explanation.
7. Enjoy it! Take a course every now and then: it is a gift for you and for those who will enjoy what you have learned the night before.
8. Experience immediately. Do not let too much time pass between the course and the repetition of the dishes.
9. Go with a friend.
10. What did You learn? Every course you take you will learn something new and you may even share your experience with the audience.
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